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Pre-order drops save you 25% and up EVERYTIME.

If you miss our pre-order drop, we do flash sales but they only last for hours.

Pre-order drops save you 25% and up EVERYTIME.

If you miss our pre-order drop, we do flash sales but they only last for hours.

Pre-order drops save you 25% and up EVERYTIME.

If you miss our pre-order drop, we do flash sales but they only last for hours.

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Everyone has a "Faith Got Me Here" moment. Here's ours.

"Faith Got Me Here." Respect My Energy began with a leap of faith—no plan, just $35.00, two bags of clothes, my Nissan, and an unshakable thought that I could be more than a four-time felon and a former drug addict.

One year after taking that leap, I became a father. Navigating the ups and downs of co-parenting, with his mom living in another state, and my full-time position as a supervisor. I faced the harsh reality that I might become an "every-other-weekend dad" once he started school. That thought? Unacceptable.

Determined to rewrite our story, I leaned on faith once again and began building this brand—not just for me, but for us (including you, the reader). Respect My Energy is more than a name; it’s LIFE, the vibe, the motion, the self-expression of God (the ALL) in us all. I’m creating this to share with my son and the world, proof that we ALL are one in the ALL (God, Universe), as the ALL is IN us ALL, and our thoughts are our superpower (power to manifest ANYTHING), making the unseen seen. Life’s toughest moments can lead to the most profound transformations.

We ALL have a "Faith Got Me Here" moment. This is ours. What's yours? (share your story on our facebook page)

- Respect My Energy

Its really deserving of a book (FIND OUT MORE)

Send us your photo post and tag to one of our social media accounts and you receive a generous discount and may potentially get featured here. Which means FREE GIFT!

#RespectMyEnergy @Respectmyenergyshop

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